information about our initiative
Efficient, modern and well-managed public procurement can help create a more innovative, sustainable and socially inclusive EU economy. It stimulates the job sector, growth and investment, and improves the quality of public services.
Over 250 000 EU public authorities spend a total of about EUR 2 trillion yearly on the purchase of services, works and resources. Public authorities are primary buyers in numerous key sectors including energy, transport, waste management, social protection and health or education services.
Considering the crucial socio-economic role of public procurement, the European Commission is actively aiming to improve strategies in the EU by connecting public authorities with other stakeholders and cooperating with them. This joint effort will complement the foundational policy priorities set out in the 2017 communication Making public procurement work in and for Europe.
The Public Buyers Platform is an initiative supported by DG GROW to enhance collaboration in public procurement. Contracting authorities can obtain better prices as well as higher-quality goods and services by buying together instead of individually. Public buyers can also benefit greatly from the exchange of knowledge and best practices across the EU.
The Public Buyers Community Platform is conceived as a multi-level structure combining public and members-only private spaces, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on public procurement while fostering a safe and confidential environment. It offers subscribers access to the resources that are essential in shaping the future-forward landscape of public procurement in the EEA.
Who is the Public Buyers Community Platform for?
- Individual public procurers looking to boost their purchasing power and market knowledge by joining a community of like-minded public buyers.
- Persons in upper management or who hold political office looking to get information on leveraging the power of their public procurement function.
- Suppliers and industries wishing to know more on EU public procurement practices and how to engage with public authorities.
- Existing networks in need of a common space to guarantee the cohesion of their stakeholders’ purchase mode.
- Research groups seeking to gain insight into public procurement with the aim of improving current practices.
Our mission
- Connect
Empower public buyers and those working in public procurement to join together and connect with the European Commission.
- Inform
Foster the exchange of cutting-edge market intelligence and know-how on public procurement.
- Collaborate
Encourage joint action and systematic collaboration in public procurement.
- Focus
Support the use of public procurement as a gateway to digital, green and social transition pathways.