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Public Buyers Community


Complete your member profile on the Public Buyers Community Platform and apply to join a community of practice.

Subscribe to DPBC
Subscribe to the Public Buyers Community

Subscribe to the platform and join a community that best suits your profile and interests

How to join a community

Subscribe to the platform

1. Log in 

By logging in you will be redirected to the EU Login Service. Fill in your credentials and continue.  

2. Complete your profile

After logging in to the Platform, you can complete your own personal profile page. Here, you can share information about yourself and your procurement interests to help other members get to know you better. 

3. Account activation 

After completing your profile, an administrator will review your information and grant you access to the platform. 


Join a community

1. Request to join

Find the community that interests you and request to join. While some of our communities are open to subscribers, others require a membership application. 

2. Evaluation

Once you have completed the application steps, the community moderator will evaluate your request. This process may take a couple of days.

3. Account profile update

After your request to join a community has been approved, your profile will be updated to include your membership status.