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Community of Public Buyers for Sustainable Solar PV

Improving quality, sustainability and financial returns on photovoltaic (PV) projects.

Solar Cities Webinar: Public Procurement Supporting Solar


The EU has recently agreed on reaching a 42,5% renewables share in final energy consumption, almost doubling its current deployment. While these targets are defined at EU level, most renewable installations will happen at local level. With around 80% of the EU population living in urban areas, cities and local authorities are the perfect candidates to accelerate the energy transition and supply their citizens with secure, affordable and sustainable energy. In the coming years, cities and local communities will be at the center of the deployment of solar energy and will face an increasing demand for sourcing solar power. But how to make sure that this increased demand for renewables contributes to bringing added value to local project developers, citizens, and the industry?
The Net Zero Industry Act in parallel sets rules for public procurement, auctions and rooftop participation in the market. Although further details are to be defined with an Implementing Act, Member States can apply prequalification and award criteria such as environmental sustainability, cybersecurity, responsible business conduct or resilience in the tenders. Member States, regional or local authorities shall design them to promote the purchase of NZ technologies with high sustainability and resilience contribution.
The aim of this webinar is to explore local solutions for sourcing local energy, and how cities can become drivers, not only for the energy transition, but also for European industrial development. The webinar will first introduce the current state of play of green public procurement, then will elaborate on good practices and leave the space to exchange on forward-looking solutions.

Watch the webinar here



Solar Power Europe
Community of Public Buyers for Sustainable Solar PV
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EC content