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Network of Competence Centres

Network of Competence Centres aims to develop international bonds between competence centres by promoting sharing, collaboration and learning from one another.

Public Overview on European Networks relevant for Competence Centres


This updated version (April 2022) shows that the change from Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) and COSME programme (2014-2020) to Horizon Europe (2021-2027) had of a lot of consequences for activities, networks etc. which have been mentioned in the last official version from September 2019.These activities, networks etc. often have been finished or are still existing, but often changed under new conditions.

It consists of two parts:

. Part 1: List of European Service Provider, networks and useable EU projects in the field of innovation procurement

. Part 2: List of National Potential Service Provider, Buyers Groups and networks in the field of innovation procurement


Public Overview on European Networks relevant for Competence Centres
(5.55 MB - PDF)