The third European Commission’s Helpdesk service on GPP webinar of 2024 will address the monitoring of the impacts of public procurement.
Public procurement can generate positive economic, environmental and social outcomes. Yet, there is still very little monitoring of the outcomes of public procurement processes. To use public procurement more effectively, it is crucial to measure and monitor the outcomes of public procurement procedures. This webinar will analyse tools and techniques to effectively monitor and measure public procurement performance.
From life-cycle assessment tools to public procurement monitoring systems, this webinar will discuss the different methods that European Institutions, procurement experts, Member States and cities are using to measure the impact of public procurement. It will explore how cost-savings, reduced pollution, positive social outcomes of public purchases can be measured and assessed.
This webinar will examine how the outcomes of public procurement can be monitored and measured by highlighting best practice examples from across Europe.
Practical information
- Where
- Online only
- When
- -
- Who should attend
- Public event
- Website
- Information about the webinar
- Entrance fee
- Free of charge
- Submitted by
- European commission
- No
Welcome and introduction from the EU GPP Helpdesk, Anna Lupi, Legal and policy officer, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
Sharmila Erizaputri, researcher on Green Public Procurement, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) on the Monitoring Progress in Green Public Procurement report
Greta Ambrutytė, Head of the Sustainable Procurement department, Office of Public Procurement of the Republic of Lithuania on the development of an SRPP and the GPP Scoreboard
- Tatjana Orhini Valjavec and Matej Cerovšek, Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy of Slovenia on the LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE project, and the comprehensive analysis of the environmental, economic and social impacts of green public procurement in Slovenia.
The webinar is organised by ICLEI Europe - Local Governments for Sustainability, on behalf o the European Commission (DG Environment).
The webinar will be facilitated by Helena O'Rourke-Potocki | Public Buyers Community (