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News article22 May 2024

EU funded innovation procurement project Drug Detect reaches its Operational Validation phase

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DrugDetect is an innovation procurement EU funded project for drug detection in correctional institutions and prisons. The project kicked off in January 2022 with 36 months duration. The DrugDetect consortium consists of 4 partners from academia and public bodies; the Center for Security Studies – KEMEA who coordinates the project, the Dienst Justitiele Inrichtingen – DJI, the Directorate General Penitentiary Institutions – DG – EPI and the Ministerio Del Interior– ESMIR.

Within the project the partners aim to procure an innovative solution for the automatic detection of a large range of drugs in correctional institutions and prisons, that is available 24/7does not cause delays in internal processesdoes not require human intervention, and is GDPR compliant.

For the consideration of innovative solutions that could fulfil the end-users´ needs, during July-September 2022, the consortium organized an Οpen Market Consultation (OMC). Following the identified needs and the market analysis, the DrugDetect Buyer’s Group decided to jointly pursue purchase within 3 Lots:    

Lot 1 – Identification of drugs 

Lot 2 – Detection of drugs inside packages/luggage and  

Lot 3 – Detection of drugs on the body.  

and to jointly conduct a Competitive Dialogue, according to the following three (3) phases: 

1. Phase I: Evaluation of Requests to Participate 

2. Phase II: The Dialogue and submission of the initial and final tender 

3. Phase III: Technical verification and award of the contract  

When put to the test, the solution provided by “908 Devices Inc” distinguished itself from the others and won the contract for Lot 1, while Lot 2 was cancelled due to lack of acceptable offers and Lot 3 was re-launched with an open Call for Tenders.

After the evaluation of the new tenders, “Rohde & Schwarz Benelux B.V” was selected as the contractor of Lot 3.

Both procedures were organized as joint procurements and were entirely subject to the Greek law, with KEMEA as the Lead Procurer, acting in the name and on behalf of all contracting authorities.

Currently, the project has successfully completed the supply of one device per Buyer and the training for the use of the Lot 1’s solution, marking the start of the Operational Validation phase, while soon this process will also be conducted for Lot 3.

At the same time the Innovation Validation is being organized with the contractors in order to propose and demonstrate improvements to their solutions.




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