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News article26 August 2024

Join the renewed Stakeholders Expert Group: Calling all procurement professionals!

Stakeholders Expert Group

The European Commission has decided to renew the membership of its Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement. The Group will play a key role in contributing to the work leading to the revision of the Public Procurement Directives. 

We therefore welcome procurement experts from public and private sector, civil society, and academia to apply to the selection process of for this renewed Expert Group.  

The purpose of this group is to provide the Commission with high-quality legal, economic, technical, and practical insights and expertise to help it in shaping the public procurement policy of the Union.  

The call for the renewal of the Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement can be found here 

The deadline for applications is 25 September 2024. 

On 18th July 2024 President Ursula von der Leyen was elected for a second mandate. The Political Guidelines she presented to the European Parliament for her next mandate highlight the importance of public procurement as a lever to create markets in strategic domains as well as quality jobs. The guidelines also announce a revision of the EU Public Procurement Directives: 

“We must also make better use of public procurement – which accounts for 14% of EU GDP. A 1% efficiency gain in public procurement could save EUR 20 billion a year. And it is one of the main levers available to develop innovative goods and services and create lead markets in clean and strategic technologies. I will propose a revision of the Public Procurement Directive. This will enable preference to be given to European products in public procurement for certain strategic sectors. It will help ensure EU added value for our citizens, along with security of supply for vital technologies, products and services. It will also modernise and simplify our public procurement rules, in particular with EU start-ups and innovators in mind.” 

The reform will be prepared starting with an evaluation of the 2014 Public procurement Directives, in line with the requests of the European Court of Auditors and the Council of the EU to carry out an in-depth analysis of the public procurement legal framework. 

We count on all stakeholders to contribute to our work and assist us in this complex task!  


More information on the Political Guidelines can be found here 

More information on the European Court of Auditors’ special report on public procurement in the EU can be found here  

The Council Conclusions on the European Court of Auditors’ special report can be read  here 

To stay up to speed with all news and developments at EU level, subscribe to our Public Procurement Gazette 


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