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News article8 February 2024

Three RaDAR Calls for Tender open for application


The RaDAR project aims to address the European urgent need of a rapid detection and effective infection control system for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the implementation of a value-based cross-border collaborative procurement of innovative solutions. The RaDAR project aims to address the European urgent need of a rapid detection and effective infection control system for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the implementation of a value-based cross-border collaborative procurement of innovative solutions. 

The RaDAR Consortium is proud to announce that the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ES), Resah (FR) and Università degli Studi Federico II (IT) have launched their coordinated respective tenders and economic operators can now apply! 

  • Resah (France): tender on the Maximilien Portal in French and English (the contract is divided in 10 lots, its overall volume is up to €250M, the theoretical total duration is 4 years, and the offers submission deadline is March 15th).
  • Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) (Spain): tender on the Plataforma de Contractació Pública in Catalan, English and Spanish (the contract volume is €808k including VAT, the duration is 18 months, and the offers submission deadline is March 31st).
  • UNINA (Italy): tender on the Acquist in Rete e-platform in Italian and English (the contract volume is €150k including VAT, the duration is 18 months, and the offers submission deadline is April 18th).

All the relevant details and updates can be accessed on the designated section for CfTs on the RaDAR website, including practical guides to support economic operators during the application process. 

Economic operators and SMEs interested to participate in these competitive processes and create strategic alliances to provide the most competitive solution are encouraged to visit the RaDAR matchmaking tool to find the perfect match. We would like to highlight that all the  RaDAR dissemination tools are entirely free and easily accessible online.


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European commission