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Joint Declaration of Intent by the Working Group on Circular Construction


The Joint Declaration of Intent developed in November 2022 by the Members of the Big Buyers for Climate and Environment’s Working Group on Circular Construction indicates the unmet needs in the field of road construction, in particular circular asphalt. It aims to provide Public Buyers and the market with a recommended direction of investments, as regards the tendering approaches and issues that require further analysis for broader use of circular asphalt.


“This is a joint Declaration of Intent by the Members of the Big Buyers for Climate and Environment’s Working Group on Circular Construction. The Members of the Working Group recognise that in order to offer new high-quality sustainable solutions while remaining competitive and profitable, the asphalt industry needs to plan investments in innovative technologies with a certain degree of confidence in the expected volume of contracts, both as regards the scope, timeline and the conditions applied in future tenders. Such conditions would refer to, among others, the requested minimum and maximum percentages of reclaimed material in asphalt, if applicable, and the methods of bids evaluation and contract awarding under the Public Buyers’ procurement processes most commonly used in each member state. At the same time, the Members recognise that asphalt production is heavily dependent on local conditions, i.e. the availability of material and national regulations that vary across Europe”.

Current Signatories:

The City of Haarlem

The City of Lisbon

The City of Rotterdam

The City of Valladolid

The City of Vienna

The City of Zurich

Bezirksamt Neukölln von Berlin

Bordeaux Métropol

Nantes Metropolis

Wallonie - Secrétariat général - Direction du Développement durable

Belgian Post

Brussels Mobility

Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR)




Joint Declaration of Intent by the Working Group on Circular Construction
(373.87 KB - PDF)


Procurement phase
Big Buyers Working Together
Publication date
Submitted by
EC content