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BIM and Public Procurement

BIM is a valuable tool and collaboration method in the design, construction, maintenance and management of built assets.

News article3 October 2024

Webinar: Fostering BIM Integration in Public Procurement: Vision, Challenges, and Next Steps.

BIM webinar

The Community of Practice will host a webinar to discuss BIM integration in public procurement, focusing on its vision, challenges, and next steps.

Speakers include Aida Joaquín Acosta from the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Samira Boussetta of ALTAEE, and Ivo Locatelli from DG GROW, European Commission.

The agenda will cover the creation of the BIM community, the survey results, and key needs. Participants will have the opportunity to share their views, with closing remarks from Aida Joaquín Acosta.

Find information about the webinar here.