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Circular and Fair ICT Pact

CFIT brings together public and private ICT procurers and governments in a collective movement.

News article21 November 2023

Inspiring new cases available on sustainable ICT procurement!

CFIT procurement cycle

Read the CFIT case studies on topics like: 

- driving carbon emission reduction in IT procurement (The Netherlands)

- avoiding unnecessary accessories and buying products with higher contents of recycled plastics (Switzerland)

- promoting due diligence compliance in the procurement of small ICT hardware (Flanders, Belgium)

- implementing a wide range of measures to promote life time extension for smart phones (Viken, Norway)

Regularly visit our page, or follow CFIT on linkedin to stay tuned! Soon the Circular and Fair ICT Pact will publish additional examples, including around the disposal of used IT and reducing the climate impact of data. 




Circular and Fair ICT Pact
Publication date
Submitted by
European commission