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Circular and Fair ICT Pact

CFIT brings together public and private ICT procurers and governments in a collective movement.

News article4 April 2023

Now available - Webinar on the CFIT framework for Circular and Fair Procurement of ICT

Webinar on the CFIT framework for Circular and Fair Procurement of ICT

On the 7th of February, a CFIT webinar was held to introduce the CFIT framework on circular and fair ICT procurement. We discussed our long-term ambitions, how we look at procurement and how we aim to achieve our goals. In addition, three procuring organizations shared practical examples of recent tenders that incorporated aspects of circularity, reduction of carbon emissions and due diligence in supply chains.

The webinar was a great success and was attended by close to 100 participants from 30 countries worldwide. The participants represented procuring organizations, market parties, NGOs, certification and labeling initiatives.

We are pleased with this broad interest, since this is key to accelerate the transition to a circular, fair and sustainable ICT sector.

If you were unable to attend, we welcome you to view the recording and have a look at the slides that supported the following agenda:

Welcome, opening and brief introduction of CFIT

Rudi Strubbe - member of the CFIT Steering Committee

Introduction to the CFIT Framework for Circular and Fair ICT Procurement 

Dr. Mervyn Jones - CFIT Secretariat

The CFIT Framework in practice - Implementation examples

Three procuring organizations present elements of recent tenders that illustrate what implementation of the framework can look like with regards to three of the central themes:

Circular blue  Taking steps towards circularity - recycled plastics in ICT products & avoiding unnecessary accessories

Stefan Zweili, Tender & Vendor Manager Standard Workplace, Swiss Government

Fair bluePromoting due diligence in ICT supply chains through procurement

Michaël van Mol / Alexander Lemmens, Legal advisor, Flemish Agency for Facility  Operations

Climate blue  Addressing CO2 and Climate impact of work place equipment

Johan Rodenhuis, Specialist advisor sustainability, Category workplace ICT,  Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

Q&A, Next steps and closing of the meeting

Marieke Weerdesteijn - CFIT secretariat


Circular and Fair ICT Pact
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European commission