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Public Procurement Dialogues

Organisation of workshops in the 27 Member States to develop a dialogue on use of strategic public procurement to achieve green, social and innovation policy objectives.

News article23 May 2024

Fostering Strategic Public Procurement: A Two-Part Workshop in Luxembourg

Workshop in Luxembourg

As part of the ongoing ‘Organisation of workshops in the 27 Member States to develop a dialogue on the use of strategic public procurement (green, social and innovation)’, Luxembourg hosted two insightful half-day workshops which were held on April 22 and on May 3, 2024.

The workshops were hosted and held by PricewaterhouseCoopers with the support of the national Ministry of Mobility and Public Works. The events brought together a diverse group of approximately 30 participants, all of whom play a crucial role in Luxembourg’s public procurement landscape. This included representatives from various ministries, public institutions mainly involved in the social domain, construction, innovation and public transport.

The various participants strongly and actively participated in the in-depth discussions about the current state of public procurement in Luxembourg. 

The first session focused on evaluating the current practices and identifying the obstacles faced in the three dimensions of public procurement: green, social, and innovation. The participants highlighted similar types of obstacles across the three dimensions, reflecting the common challenges faced at a national level.

In the second phase, the participants collaborated to brainstorm solutions to improve the current situation. They were able to establish a first draft roadmap, with the aim of enhancing strategic public procurement in Luxembourg. Once finalised and approved, the final roadmap can serve as a guideline for future actions and strategies in the field of public procurement.

The workshops highlighted the participants’ commitment and eagerness to transform and improve the current public procurement standards. The insights and outcomes from these workshops have the potential to significantly contribute to the development of the national and European landscape.

Workshop in Luxembourg