The workshops as part of the 'Organisation of workshops in the 27 Member States to develop a dialogue on the use of strategic public procurement (green, social and innovation)' are continuously being implemented, with Slovakia taking place as the 16th Dialogue.
The workshop in Slovakia took place on 12 June 2024 in Bratislava, Slovakia, hosted by the Office of Public Procurement and prepared in collaboration with the Project Team from PwC and DG GROW.
This workshop took a well-known format – the sessions were moderated by PwC while the stakeholders from the relevant Slovak public authorities and business organisations worked together and had active dialogues on how to make the public procurement practices more strategic.
Participants from various key organizations attended, including ministries, economic operators, institutes, public service providers and more. They engaged in discussions on identifying barriers for public buyers and crafting solutions, collectively outlining a roadmap to enhance strategic procurement in Slovakia. The morning session was focused on defining strategic public procurement, identifying state of the art and open challenges and barriers in green, socially responsible and innovation public procurement. The afternoon session was focused on identifying solutions for these barriers and reframing them into specific actions.
Conclusively, the workshop in Slovakia showcased the dedication of participating organizations to the topic and their readiness to further contribute to subsequent steps and the roadmap's development.
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