Photo: The Government Offices, Sweden
Foto: Regeringskansliet
The workshop in Sweden took place on 16 October 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, hosted by the National Agency for Public Procurement and the Ministry for Public Administration and prepared in collaboration with the Project Team from PwC and DG GROW.
This workshop took a unique format, as the focus was placed on municipalities - specifically, increasing strategic procurement practices among municipalities by gathering experiences, inspiration and best practice. The departure points were, therefore, innovation, social and green objectives achieved through procurement, with a subsequent focus on solutions and actions to be taken in the future.
The sessions were moderated by PwC, while the stakeholders from different Swedish municipalities worked together and had active dialogues on how to make the public procurement practices more strategic. The workshop was launched by roundtable introductions, where representatives of the municipalities provided basic information about the municipalities they represent, indicating the size of the municipality, the amount spent on procurement, and the share of that expenditure in the total turnover of the municipality. After the roundtable introductions, the participants were invited to provide additional information on their progress with strategic procurement. During the breakout sessions, the participants gathered to discuss strategic procurement practices in three focal areas in Sweden - spend analysis and category management, getting decision-makers and management onboard and integrating strategic objectives in procurement, coming to many important conclusions, outlined in the final plenary session to end a highly productive day of work.
Photo: The Government Offices, Sweden
Foto: Regeringskansliet
Conclusively, the workshop in Sweden showcased the dedication of participating organizations to the topic and their readiness to further contribute to subsequent steps and the roadmap's development.
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