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Zero Emission Construction Sites

The CoP Zero Emission Construction Sites is led by the City of Oslo.

News article18 June 2024

Building a Zero-Emission Future: Highlights from the ZECS 3rd Meeting

Yellow construction helmet on a yellow brick wall.

The Big Buyers Working Together’s Community of Practice (CoP) on Zero Emission Construction Sites (ZECS) held its third meeting on June 6.  


Representative of the City of Oslo, the CoP Lead, presented some highlights from the Road and Construction Fair held 24 – 27 April in Norway. The Fair was organised by the Norwegian Construction Machines Manufacturers Association, the Network for the Green Construction Sector and the City of Oslo. It provided an update on the current and future demand for and supply of zero emission construction machinery in the Nordic markets. Companies specialised in various sectors presented their innovative solutions to supply and manage electricity on the construction site. The Fair highlighted the Norway’s rapid advancement towards green construction machinery and the importance of guiding other public authorities across Europe in the transition towards ZECS.  The Fair also included several side events conducted in partnership with the City of Oslo, featuring international market dialogues and discussions among major Norwegian cities on strategies for meeting the goal of achieving emission-free operations by 2025. 


CoP Members also discussed potential format of participation in the Conference organized with the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) to be organized in Oslo on 18 & 19 September. The Conference will provide a platform for deeper international cooperation engagement on zero-emission initiatives, and the participation will be by invitation only.  


If you would like to join the CoP ZECS, you can contact us through the CoP Space on the Public Buyers Community Platform or via   


Zero Emission Construction Sites
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