EPREL (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling) is the collection of all product models in the scope of the energy labelling legislation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1369, repealing Directive 2010/30/EU). Since 1 January 2019, suppliers must register any model in the EPREL database before they start placing products of that model on the Union market. Since April 2022, anyone can search for a specific model, select models based on specific parameter values and sort them according to up to 3 simultaneous criteria. By spring 2023, more than 1.5 million models have been registered (some of which are no longer placed on the market).
EPREL is a very useful tool for public procurement, in particular to assess the number of models on the Union market that meet specific criteria, and thus to assess the "population" in absolute and relative terms in each of the classes of the energy label. Purchasers can select models using the "advanced section" and then sort the selected results.
A special feature allows the procurer to assess, for the selection result, the “models distribution by performance class” (see, for example Figure 1 and Figure 2) and, for each period, the “(two) highest (significantly) populated class(es)” and to set the appropriate minimal selection criteria in the tender to be launched.
Article 7.2 of the Energy Labelling Regulation requires that “Where Member States provide incentives for a product specified in a delegated act, those incentives shall aim at the highest two significantly populated classes of energy efficiency, or at higher classes as laid down in that delegated act”. Referring to the highest populated class, or the highest two classes, is a technical screening criteria also set in Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 (the Taxonomy) and other legislative acts. For products covered by the Energy Labelling Regulation, the agreed recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive requires Member States to ensure that contracting authorities and contracting entities only purchase products in the two highest significantly populated efficiency classes.
As the labelling legislation requires that newly rescaled labels should leave the top class, or even the two top classes, empty to encourage technological progress, provide for regulatory stability, limit the frequency of rescaling and enable ever more efficient products to be developed and recognised, EPREL is “the” single tool to assess where to set the bar for efficiency minimal requirements in a specific moment in time. A specific tool is provided to assess which are the two relevant classes to consider, “for each specific selection of product models”.
- Type
- Sector
- Procurement phase
- Publication date
- Submitted by
- European commission
- Yes