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ProCirc Results - Circular Procurement: No time to waste!


The project Interreg NSR ProCirc is set up to experiment, implement, and learn about circular procurement. During 4,5 years, the ProCirc partners have initiated and supported more than 30 circular procurement pilots. The project has developed and promoted several tools and guides for circular procurement, facilitated Communities of Practice, and gained valuable experience and new insights on how to accelerate the circular economy through procurement.

During the online event on 18 April, the results and experiences of the ProCirc project were shared in three different sessions by the ProCirc partners, who presented their approaches and lessons learned during the 4.5 years of project implementation, and by participants from a wide range of sectors and circular economy stakeholders, who actively participated with questions in the chat and breakout sessions.

00:17 --> ProCirc introduction video (can also be found here)

11:17 --> Setting goals & monitoring: how to measure impact

55:48 --> From one circular pilot to circular economy on everybody's lips

1:25:50 --> How to scale adoption through Joint Statements of Demand
