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Public Buyers Community


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Resources (66)

  • 28 FEBRUARY 2020

Driving change through public procurement - A toolkit on human rights for policy makers and public buyers

This Toolkit helps public procurement policy makers, buyers, and contract managers implement measures in public procurement to ensure suppliers respect human rights. It contains a range of practical examples of how this is already been done around the world across all stages of the procurement lifecycle.

  • EC Content
  • 3 OCTOBER 2017

Professionalisation of Public Procurement

Find here more information on the Commission Recommendation on the professionalisation of public procurement, the ProcurCompEU Toolbox and the Study on professionalisation of public procurement in the EU and selected third countries

  • 29 MARCH 2016

Buying green! – A handbook on green public procurement

Green Public Procurement (GPP) is an important tool to achieve environmental policy goals relating to climate change, resource use and sustainable consumption and production – especially given the importance of public sector spending on goods and services in Europe. This handbook is designed to help public authorities successfully plan and implement GPP. It explains the possibilities offered by European Union law in a practical way, and looks at simple and effective approaches to greening contracts. The handbook follows the logic and structure of a procurement procedure. It also gives many

  • EC Content
  • 26 FEBRUARY 2014

The Public Procurement Directives

The Public Procurement Directives consist of three different Directives of the Commission setting out the legal framework applicable, including Directive 2014/23/EU (Concessions), Directive 2014/24/EU (Classical) and Directive 2014/25/EU (Utilities).