The Big Buyers Working Together (BBWT) project organised a webinar that explored how public procurement can help advance the New European Bauhaus (NEB) principles. Following an introduction to BBWT and an overview of the European Commission’s work with NEB, the webinar highlighted two case studies providing examples of how sustainable public procurement may connect to the NEB ideals.
Firstly, Eytan Levi of Roofscapes explained how a tender of the City of Paris enabled his organisation to transform pitched and slanted roofs in the city into green and accessible spaces. In the context of climate change green roofs are especially important as they can help cool the city. At the same time they provide green spaces for the inhabitants of the building and have a positive impact on biodiversity.
In the second case study, the Mayor of Beclean (Romania) Nicolae Moldovan highlighted the prize-winning Legacy Recreation Center in his city. The project is aimed at the inclusion of people with social needs, allowing them to find a diversity of recreational, social and leisure activities in one place. The center includes a library, a yoga centre, fitness, bowling, a sports hall, two swimming pools.
The webinar aimed to support the kick off of the Community on Practice on NEB. This pioneering group will be the first initiative to explore meaningful links with sustainable public procurement. The group aims to focus on capacity building and awareness raising, develop guidance, recommendations and best practices, and engage in best practice. Public authorities who want to join this community are welcome to express their interest by sending an email to the Big Buyers Working Together Secretariat, at big.buyers@eurocities.eu
The webinar can be viewed here.
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- New European Bauhaus (NEB)
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