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News article20 June 2024

Sustainable public procurement to take central stage at the BEE Symposium

The BEE Symposium Returns 2024

The second Bordeaux European Exchanges (BEE) symposium will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at Cité Mondiale in Bordeaux. 

The City of Bordeaux, world capital of the Social and Solidarity Economy, Bordeaux Métropole, and UGAP, the French leading central public purchasing office, invite you to join French and European experts to collectively reflect on responsible European public procurement and their commitment to promoting regional economic development. It is a day of privileged face-to-face and remote exchanges between European players in regional public procurement.

Designed for public and private stakeholders in the field of sustainable public procurement, the event features sessions on re-industrialisation, green economy transitions, AI impacts, corporate strategies, and digital responsibility. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with European experts on public procurement. 

The symposium kicks off with an introduction by the European Commission and a member of the French government. It will follow with a plenary session discussing how the issue of responsible public procurement should be integrated into the development of European projects. During a round table discussion, Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit for Production, Products, and Sustainable Consumption at the European Commission's Directorate General for Environment, will discuss the transition to a circular and green economy, and the regulations and actions that are needed. Jean-Yves Muylle, Head of Unit for Public Procurement at the European Commission's Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs will take part in a round table discussing collaborations between European public purchasers that are on the rise. 

The full programme is available here.