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Public Buyers Community


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Resources (60)

  • EC Content
  • 10 DECEMBER 2021

Webinar on Human Rights Due Diligence in Public Procurement

Discover how public buyers can promote sustainable production by addressing the risk of human rights violations in the industrial supply chain! Join us to learn about the latest techniques and practices for responsible procurement.

  • EC Content
  • 27 NOVEMBER 2021

Public Procurement Procedures and Instruments in Support of Innovation

This brief and easy-to-use guide introduces the concept of public procurement of innovation and helps you identify the best procedure for you to engage in this process. It describes both procedures with and without Research and Development and helps you navigate the world of procurement procedures according to the EU Public Procurement Directives. Available in all languages.

  • EC Content
  • 16 NOVEMBER 2021

Webinar on Connecting to the Innovation Ecosystems

Discover the significance of ecosystem innovation and how public buyers can benefit from collaborating with emerging players. Join us to explore the importance of an ecosystem approach to innovation.

  • EC Content
  • 12 OCTOBER 2021

1st Webinar on Socially Responsible Public Procurement

The EU Buy Social webinar aimed to advance social procurement in Europe. Key highlights includes promoting inclusive procurement through Social Clauses in tenders, and successful case studies of the Swedish National Model and France's system of facilitators for Social Clauses. The event encouraged discussions to drive sustainable and impactful procurement practices.

  • EC Content
  • 30 SEPTEMBER 2021

Webinar on Preliminary Market Consultation

The webinar which is part of a series of webinars introducing the innovation procurement guidance, discusses the preliminary market consultation process. The speakers introduce tools for market engagement and presents best practices from across the EU.

  • EC Content
  • 21 JUNE 2021

Guidance on Innovation Procurement

The purpose of this Notice is to offer practical guidance on innovation public procurement. It is not legally binding. While the Notice occasionally paraphrases the provisions of EU legislation, it is not meant to add to or diminish the rights and obligations set out in that legislation. Insofar as the Notice could be understood as interpreting EU legislation, it warrants stressing that only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent to give a legally binding interpretation of EU law. Available in all languages.

  • EC Content
  • 25 MAY 2021

Buying Social Guide

This Guide offers support in covering the social dimension of sustainable public procurement. Public procures can make a major contribution to sustainable development by using their purchasing power to opt for goods and services that deliver positive social outcomes.

  • EC Content
  • 1 FEBRUARY 2021

Third webinar on Innovation Partnership

This webinar marks the end of our Innovation Partnership series, and it focuses on the negotiation and execution of partnership projects. The distinguished speakers from Europe will share their insights and examples of successful innovation partnerships. The session will include a Q and A about valuable information from our experts.

  • EC Content
  • 1 DECEMBER 2020

Second Webinar on Innovation Partnership

The second webinar on the Innovation Partnership highlighted the effectiveness of collaborating with external partners to achieve desired results in procurement processes. Leveraging the Innovation Partnership model involves collaborating with external partners to develop innovative, sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient solutions.

  • 28 FEBRUARY 2020

Driving change through public procurement - A toolkit on human rights for policy makers and public buyers

This Toolkit helps public procurement policy makers, buyers, and contract managers implement measures in public procurement to ensure suppliers respect human rights. It contains a range of practical examples of how this is already been done around the world across all stages of the procurement lifecycle.

  • EC Content
  • 3 OCTOBER 2017

Professionalisation of Public Procurement

Find here more information on the Commission Recommendation on the professionalisation of public procurement, the ProcurCompEU Toolbox and the Study on professionalisation of public procurement in the EU and selected third countries

  • 29 MARCH 2016

Buying green! – A handbook on green public procurement

Green Public Procurement (GPP) is an important tool to achieve environmental policy goals relating to climate change, resource use and sustainable consumption and production – especially given the importance of public sector spending on goods and services in Europe. This handbook is designed to help public authorities successfully plan and implement GPP. It explains the possibilities offered by European Union law in a practical way, and looks at simple and effective approaches to greening contracts. The handbook follows the logic and structure of a procurement procedure. It also gives many

  • EC Content
  • 26 FEBRUARY 2014

The Public Procurement Directives

The Public Procurement Directives consist of three different Directives of the Commission setting out the legal framework applicable, including Directive 2014/23/EU (Concessions), Directive 2014/24/EU (Classical) and Directive 2014/25/EU (Utilities).