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News article23 May 2024

Driving collaboration: Big Buyers Working Together Annual Event Brings Together its Communities of Practice

Driving collaboration: Big Buyers Working Together Annual Event Brings Together its Communities of Practice

Driving collaboration: Big Buyers Working Together Annual Event Brings Together its Communities of Practice 

The first Annual Event of the Big Buyers Working Together (BBWT) project was an occasion for the Communities of Practice (CoP) members to meet in person for the first time, deepening their connections in both formal and informal settings. This article provides an overview of the CoPs’ progress, especially focusing on objectives and activities agreed.

CoP Circular Construction 

The Annual Event was an occasion for the second meeting of the CoP Circular Construction. As it was the first physical meeting of the CoP, participants used the advantage of direct exchange. Among discussion points were objectives of the CoP, activities to be implemented as well as events to be organized during the rest of the year. Members agreed that the activities should include identification, compiling and comparison of currently available solutions on circular construction and insights from participating authorities, identification of criteria adopted from public authorities, mapping of already existing initiatives and identification of companies/organizations to engage with.  Members will prepare the list of events related to circular construction in 2024 where potential participation could be beneficial, and the potential location of the first study visit was identified – Kamp C, Westerloo, Belgium.

Find out more here 

CoP Digital  

The first in-person CoP Digital meeting discussed the main needs and challenges faced by public authorities when engaging in ICT procurement practices. Members discussed the results of the survey on ICT procurement, which underscored the need to collect existing ICT guidelines and offer training for public officials. The survey results also highlighted the challenges in engaging in joint procurement practices. The CoP defined main short-term objectives such as analysing and comparing ICT strategies and practices, building a repository of best practices, and involving European policymakers, suppliers, and big buyers in key sectors. If you wish to join the CoP Digital, contact or    

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CoP Efficiency in Healthcare 

During the meeting in Brussels, the CoP Efficiency in Healthcare has narrowed down the potential topics. Therefore, the CoP will focus on:  

  • Topic 1: Stakeholder management & cross-border networking 
  • Topic 2: Exploring policies and suppliers for patient data management solutions in the healthcare sector  

The stakeholder mapping will help the group members to get to know each other better and improve their European networking links. The stakeholder map will improve the CoPs understanding of the European healthcare ecosystem.  On the basis of this understanding, we can move to the complex need of better solutions for the storage and sharing of patient data. 

The CoP aims to explore how the EU Health Data Space regulation will affect procurement and prepare market engagement activities with innovative suppliers.  

More details about each topic and a preliminary timeline has been uploaded in our group space. 

Find out more here 

CoP Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles 

The CoP Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles held its second meeting during the Annual Event in Brussels. As the Working Group already existed in the previous editions of the Big Buyers and many of the CoP members had already been part of it, it was agreed to build upon the previous work. The discussion showed that electrification seems to be the best solution to make the vehicles more sustainable, as both biogas trucks and hydrogen trucks still face many technical issues and are quite expensive. The CoP members agreed to explore best practice examples throughout Europe to find the best solutions for their fleets and expressed the need to go on a number of site visits to get a better understanding of the market.   

Find out more here 

CoP Social Procurement

CoP Social Procurement held its second meeting (first one in-person) at the Annual Event.  The members highlighted the need to develop a shared understanding/definition of precisely what socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) entails, and to gain a better understanding of the CoP members’ practical experience with it. Furthermore, it was agreed to develop social criteria (and guidelines for their application) for labour rights for services and construction, as well as monitoring templates that can be used by both suppliers and contracting authorities. A final key point discussed was the visibility of the CoP’s work. The group agreed that it is crucial to engage in dialogue with the market and with social partners, and to disseminate the result of its work as much as possible via relevant national websites and social media.

Find out more here 

CoP Sustainability in Healthcare 

During its first in-person meeting in Brussels, CoP Sustainability in Healthcare has narrowed down potential topics. The CoP will focus on: 

  • Topic 1: Common practices for using sustainability standards in healthcare procurement 
  • Topic 2: Improved water and wastewater management in hospitals through procurement 

Firstly, the CoP members will identify (existing) standards for calculating sustainability indicators (such as TCO, Co2) to create a common standard within the group. Once there is improved confidence when asking for eco-labels, the CoP aims to develop a supplier FAQ for calculating environmental indicators.  

Secondly, the CoP intends to focus on the impact of procurement in water management practices, more specific:  

  • Procurement for better wastewater treatment
  • Solutions for avoiding wastewater 
  • Procurement for a drought resistant hospital 

While details still have to be discussed, the aim is to share best practices and recommendations between members and eventually make these available to the public too. 

More details about each topic have been uploaded in our group space.  

Find out more here 

CoP Sustainable Solar PV

During the second meeting of CoP Sustainable Solar PV, the key challenge was identified:  95% of photovoltaic panels are imported (mostly from China), and only 5% come from Europe. The foreign panels are cheaper, less sustainable, and have a less transparent production process, making it very difficult to see if human rights are violated in supply chains. Consequently, one outcome of the CoP could be to develop a joint statement of demand, highlighting how they want to buy and on the basis of which values and policies. The starting point for the CoP would be the work of the Dutch Solar Group, which launched a template with criteria that were used as guidelines for the procurement of solar energy infrastructure. This template could be used as a basis to harmonise (social and ecological) criteria across different European countries.

Find out more here 

CoP Zero Emission Construction Sites 

The Annual Event in Brussels was an occasion for the second meeting of the CoP Zero Emission Construction Sites (ZECS). Using the advantage of their first physical meeting, participants discussed the objectives of the CoP, activities to be implemented, as well as events to be organised during the rest of the year. It was agreed that the activities should include the gathering and sharing of good examples of ZECS, engaging with entrepreneurs, and establishing a strong connection with the Rijkswaterstaat Leap to Zero initiative. Members will prepare a list of events related to circular construction in 2024 where potential participation could be beneficial, and the potential location of the first study visit could be the facilities of a machinery producer. 

Find out more here