We are pleased to present the updated version of the Report on the use of Innovation Partnerships (IPs) for the period 2016-2023. This year’s analysis includes IP cases up to 2023 under the EU Public Procurement Directives (2014/24/EU, known as classic, and 2014/25/EU for utilities), based on data from the TED database.
The aim of the Report and the 2024 update is to shed light on the evolution of IP usage in Public Procurement, aiming to understand trends better and facilitate further uptake of this procedure. To achieve this, great importance is placed on data quality and reliability. We have made considerable efforts to ensure accuracy and have directly engaged with contracting authorities to address any issues.
Key highlights from this year’s overview include:
- The total contract value of all IP cases in 2023 is around EUR 148 million, the majority of which, similarly to last year’s study, is procured under the classic Directive.
- Increase in both the number of cases and value of contracts awarded in 2023, reversing previous decreasing trends.
- Top three countries for number of contracts are Finland, Czech Republic and France, with Czech Republic positioning first for 2023 cases.
- Approximately 67% of cases targeted social, green or digitalisation objectives.
For a comprehensive analysis, including further commentary and insights, please refer to the full 2024 update.
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- European commission
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